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Reference Standard

Today Meter Test Technology is much more than only testing accuracy and functionality of a conventional electricity meters. With implementation of SmartMeters a complex test and data management system is required. – It’s a good thing to have experts by your side. 

Stationary Meter Test Systems

Power Sources of MTS-series based on digital amplifier modules combined with frequency generator and reference device are the MTS source system. Single-phase systems (MTS1xx) or three-phase systems (MTS3xx) from 1 to more than 40 test positions are available. Beyond customized test solutions we offer configured test benches.

Cost-efficient and with short delivery times.

Portable Meter Test Systems

We offer a series of Reference Meters which meet a variety of requirements. Primarily they are used for testing of meter installations on-site with accuracy classes from 0.2 up to 0.02. 

Our definition of Test Systems is a Reference Meter with integrated source. Test systems are particularly usable for testing meter installations with defined current and voltage and only one single device should be used.


While testing of meter installations on-site often a sufficient load is missing to achieve reliable results.

You can generate currents up to 120 A and voltages up to 500 V with our sources.

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